
Lidding Top Film

The use of lidding applications has been increasing day by day. Today it is being used without any problem at the shelves for a lot of food packaging such as fresh red meat, processed meat, fish, poultry, ravioli, dried fruits and ready food.

Sealing and barrier compliance should be considered as a priority on the basis of different barrier level trays such as PP, PS, PET, CPET for lidding top films which are currently produced in the market. Packaging application is a need for films of different characteristics such as tray type, machine frame, printing forms and the inner and outer cutting, heat treatment and so on.

Main Features

Suitable for medium and high barrier MAP packaging,
Sealable to PP, PS or PE
Suitable for inner and outer cutting applications,
Shrinkable on request,
UV, Antifog, Peel specifications,
Surface or … printing opportunity up to 10 color
With a variety of transparency and brightness options
Thickness in-between 25-100 micron.